My mother is the Crochet Goddess. She's taught many people to crochet, including me. I'm not nearly as gifted as she is. She'll be the first to tell you that.
"Your tension is all over the place," she'll say.
She's right. It is. But if you're a knitter or crocheter, you know that novices have a hard time controlling their tension. I don't crochet often, so it doesn't come naturally yet. But my mom? She sits in front of the television and crochets. Without looking at her work. And still keeps count of the stitches. It's a gift.
I can't make clothes. I don't even sew clothes. Clothes are hard!
What I like to crochet are afghans. And not just any afghan. I like to work with Granny Squares. You crochet as many squares as you need to create the size of afghan you want, then sew (and by "sew", I mean crochet) them together and voila!, you have a cozy afghan made with love and care. And a little bit of cussing. my case, a lot of cussing.
I haven't made an afghan in a while. The last one I made was this one, at least five years ago. It lies on our bed and I add it to my side (it's only big enough for that) for extra warmth.
As I took this picture, Fred-the-Cat wandered over for her closeup. Yes, Fred is a girl. We thought we got a boy cat and had already named her Fred when we discovered she was a boy. She was already answering to it, so we left it.
Then she has to show me her tricks. "Look what I can do!"
Good girl, Fred. Mommy has to go and make a new afghan now.
I'll post pictures as squares are completed. Don't expect that to happen any time soon, though. The pictures will be few and far between. Just warning you.
To tide you over, here are a few pictures of the wool I bought today. Use your imagination to visualize how fabulous the afghan will look when I'm done.